Here is an introduction plaque, printed for display, in our corner at the @HealingBoutiqueSpokane:
Hello! I’m Stephanie, and my little Family-of-Five is fundraising for money! All proceeds are deposited straight into a Business Checking Account, solely dedicated to the creation of our Family Business dream (…to build a weekend Retreat Center venue, for all of you)!
We call it [the future] “Terra Mater Village: An Earthy Retreat Center for Spiritual Wellness & Yoga,” and we plan to locate it right here, in the beautiful PNW / Northeast corner of Washington State!!
To earn the funding it will take to achieve this goal, we sell our hand-crafted goods (most of which are made from recycled materials), under the “Earthy Aspirations: Hand and Earth-Made Products” vendor name.
In addition to partaking in the occasional Craft Fair or Farmers Market event, we have now landed THIS CORNER, at The Healing Boutique, to sell our hand-crafted items. We also have a booth-spot in The Great Northwest Vendor Mall (on E. Trent, near Fancher Rd.), to sell unique Vintage and Antique items (for profit towards our goal). You can keep track, as our “Dollars-to-Date” figure continues to grow!
And, please, feel free to support our cause!! We accept Donations at our Website (via PayPal / Debit or Credit card), and you will earn a Donation Incentive in return! Make sure to review our Donation Incentive rewards, to see what YOU can earn. Thanks to all, for your
support and encouragement, as always! …We are makin’ great strides!!
Warmest Regards,
Stephanie Himmelman, Founder
Earthy Aspirations / Terra Mater Village
(Spokane) Washington, PNW
Dollars-to-Date — $10,353.95
View our Business Dream:
· · · www.TerraMaterVillage.com
Sign up for our Quarterly Newsletter:
· · · www.TerraMaterVillage.com/Sign-Up-for-our-Newsletter
View our Donation Incentives (for YOU to Earn):
· · · www.TerraMaterVillage.com/View-Donation-Incentives
Facebook Business Page:
· · · “Earthy Aspirations – for our Terra Mater Village Retreat Center endeavor”
Instagram Page:
· · · @Earthy_TMV
Sellin’ Vintage Goodies for Profit:
(Vendor # 159, in the back Atrium!)
· · · The Great Northwest Vendor Mall
· · · 6206 E. Trent Ave. (Suite B)
· · · Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Sellin’ Upcycled Craft-Goodies for Profit:
(Corner Display, in the front / left Room!)
· · · The Healing Boutique – Shop
· · · 9803 E. Sprague Ave.
· · · Spokane Valley, WA 99206

Published On: March 9th, 2023 / Categories: Uncategorized /