Happy Autumnal Equinox, 2023!
We have arrived to the first day of Autumn! And what a pleasant time of year, it is… Today, my Family is wishing you, and yours, a very spirited Autumnal Equinox!
…‘Remember us?!
My name is Stephanie… and, alongside my Family (i.e. Tyler, my darling Significant Other, and our 3 adorable Children / Future Employees), we are raising money to afford beginning a Family Business endeavor! …It will become a weekend-oriented Retreat Center VENUE (geared towards Spiritual Wellness and Yoga), right here, in the beautiful PNW / NE corner of Washington State.  Attached is our Quarterly Newsletter!
Many people receive this Newsletter in a PDF document (via Email), on the Quarterly-appointed Solstices and Equinoxes.  If you are viewing the PDF version of this document (through, either, your Email Inbox or at our Website), then make sure to notice that Hyperlinks are embedded for your browsing convenience!  Click on any section, which you find to be intriguing (with a Ctrl + click), to learn of additional details!
…So far, by means of your gracious Donations (THANK YOU!) and our various Vendor events, we have already gathered more than $16,000 towards our initial Seed Money!  SOON (in Divine timing), we can afford our own slice of Mother Nature, to host all of your wonderful Retreat ideas!  PLEASE, help us to tell the World!!
Dollars-to-Date — $16,521.60
If our non-traditional way of accruing money, to start our Business (…versus the traditional Loan-and-See approach) catches your attention, then we invite you to “Follow” our Social Media pages!  Details, of our Pages, are in the Footer.  We would love to have your attention!
As well, please consider providing a Donation towards our efforts.  Every Donation is deposited straight into our Business Checking Account and will increase our “Dollars-to-Date” figure!  You can donate at our Website (via PayPal), or through our active GoFundMe campaign.  Just click below, to begin that Donation process!  And thank you, in advance!
· · · or · · ·
…Be sure to review our Donation INCENTIVES, too!  YES, you heard that correctly!  For any Donation amount, you will earn yourself a valuable Incentive!  Have we sparked your curiosity, yet?!  Visit our link, below, for details:
I wish you, each, a ton of strength [in your own endeavors].  May the force(s) be with you!
Thanks for listening, to this exciting message, and… we love you!!
With Gratitude,
Stephanie Himmelman, Founder
Earthy Aspirations / Terra Mater Village
(Spokane) Washington, PNW
View our Business Dream:
· · · www.TerraMaterVillage.com
View our Donation Incentives to Earn:
· · · www.TerraMaterVillage.com/View-Donation-Incentives
Sign up for our Quarterly Newsletter:
· · · www.TerraMaterVillage.com/Sign-Up-for-our-Newsletter
Read our Quarterly Newsletters (Prior Editions):
· · · www.TerraMaterVillage.com/Read-our-Quarterly-Newsletters
Facebook Business Page:
· · · “Earthy Aspirations – for our Terra Mater Village Retreat Center endeavor
Instagram Page:
· · · @Earthy_TMV
Sellin’ Vintage Goodies for Profit:
(Vendor # 159, in the back Atrium!)
· · · The Great Northwest Vendor Mall
· · · 6206 E. Trent Ave. (Suite B)
· · · Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Sellin’ Upcycled Craft-Goodies for Profit:
(Corner Display, in the front / left Room!)
· · · The Healing Boutique – Shop
· · · 9803 E. Sprague Ave.
· · · Spokane Valley, WA 99206

Published On: September 23rd, 2023 / Categories: Blog Updates /