Hello, YOGA community!
I’m Steph Himmelman, of Spokane (WA), and I wish to reach out because YOU, friends, are our Target Audience! We have a SPECIAL idea, in mind for you…
My little Family-of-Five is raising money, specifically to create a Yoga Retreat Center VENUE, here in the Pacific Northwest / NE corner of Washington! It will be costly, so we will fundraise and [eventually] build with reclaimed materials… Please wish us luck!!
Dollars to Date — $6,350.52
You can support us, too! We graciously accept donations, via PayPal:
…But, WHY begin a Yoga Retreat Center venue?!
In RYT-200 training, my Teacher expressed that opening a Yoga Studio (alone) would not pay the bills. Instead, running Yoga RETREATS is where the money will accrue most quickly (for a career in Yoga)… I really took this to heart.
We only spoke of hosting Yoga in exotic lands (i.e. different countries)… And, while a Retreat in a foreign place did sound superb, it prompted concern of my 9:00am to 5:00pm Day-Job responsibility… I knew that a Yoga Retreat (so far away) was beyond my scope of reality and, even, my budget.
…As a hypothetical Retreat goer (with a “9 to 5” job and family), I may only have 2 weeks of Vacation time, each year, and limited funding to put toward additional costs (like airfare, vaccinations, or meals)… Considering these factors of reality, it seems less feasible for the average person (like me) to join a 10-day Retreat, especially in a foreign country… So, HOW could I make a reality of Yoga Retreats for the average person?!
Our website — www.TerraMaterVillage.com
I have passion to pursue this dream, and Tyler (my Life-Partner) has Award-worthy culinary skills to add. Our venue will have All-Inclusive Pricing, for Yoga Teachers, Spiritual Leaders, and the like, to host Retreat Events of their own! And to accommodate the average working person, our hours will operate Friday AM through Sunday PM… We look forward to serving YOU!!
NAMASTÉ, my dear Yogis and Yoginis!
· @Earthy_TMV
· “Earthy Aspirations – for our Terra Mater Village Retreat Center endeavor”

Published On: June 7th, 2022 / Categories: Blog Updates /