Biographies were composed in 2021
NOTE:   Verbiage may now be outdated

Meet Chef Tyler…

In addition to joining as my co-founder, Tyler will be our Chef at Terra Mater Village!  (…That statement, as you will come to learn, is packed with potency).  We are lucky to have his genuine love for the Culinary Arts.  Tyler has developed a skillset that will impress any person who tastes it…

As a Chef, he is mindful during all of his procedures and (I am proud to say…) Tyler is especially concerned to uphold Health Code precautions and expectations.  All in all, I must convey that he is well-versed in his line of work… For more than 20 years, Tyler has been practicing his chef skills professionally.  Before that, his grandmother was busy teaching Tyler in her own kitchen!  He was fascinated with the processes of preparing wholesome treats and meals, which (at a young age) led Tyler to desire a career in the Culinary Arts.  To create delicious food is, so obviously, within his genes! …And, at Terra Mater Village, you will be able to experience that for yourself.

His practice has made for perfection.  Tyler has dedicated thousands of hours, to learning the art of cooking.  In 1998, he began the study of Culinary Arts through a program with the Job Corps Trade School (in Sedro-Woolley, Washington), where he graduated as an Advanced Culinary Completer.   From 1999 to 2000, Tyler attended the Art Institute of Seattle and continued to specialize in the Culinary Arts.  Subsequent to that, from 2005 to 2006, Tyler completed his education at the Inland Northwest Culinary Academy, a program through the Community Colleges of Spokane (Washington State) and received his degree in Culinary Arts.  Tyler has trained in many techniques and styles, to become the culinary mastermind that he is today.

Throughout his years of experience as a Chef, it is certain that Tyler has earned stripes in the culinary field.  His work ethic is vigorous and uninterrupted, to start.  Tyler has functioned as the Executive Chef and the Sous Chef, in multiple restaurants, and he has been a Kitchen Manager many times.  (I believe that his recipe for curry, alone, will sway you to support our cause)… As well, and to fit within our call of destiny, Tyler has always been inclined to run his own business!

…It is recognized that a key ingredient, for running an effective business, is to select a field toward which you have a heartfelt interest and passion.  Confucius (the great philosopher) once said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” …and that is our ultimate goal.  Tyler has a passion for cooking, that much is true; but there is more to his character than a mere chef coat reveals…

Turn the page.

I believe that we all have a curiosity, in life, involving the unusual and the bizarre… Just as several people do, Tyler has an interest in oddities, antiques, and [especially] vintage toys.  This is where it gets fun!  For your leisure, while visiting Terra Mater Village (and to add some peculiarity to our business), Tyler will manage a separate portion of our gift shop and general store… the Antiques and Oddities area!  You may, as well, consider this section to be our on-site museum.  With items for display and for sale, I anticipate that every person will find joy in a hunt for treasure! …I know that Tyler will.  It is one of his many hobbies…

Tyler grew up, living a country life, in the rural terrain of North Central Washington.  It is a fact that he spent more time outside, during his youth, than he did indoors.  Tyler comes from a long line of apple orchardists and farmers, so he [inevitably] developed a green thumb.  He has a true affection for Mother Nature and, further adding to his greatness, Tyler has a keen interest in landscaping and cultivation.  He is able to transform bare land into some quite beautiful scenery! …and every retreat center (in my opinion) should have a lush and lavish garden-look.  Tyler will amplify the grounds and garden spaces, of our Terra Mater Village, which he looks forward to doing… I am certain that his eye for beauty will impress us all.

With his cooking skills perfected, plus a fondness for treasure-hunting and a knack for landscaping, I recognize that Tyler is a unique addition to this business plan!  He is an amazing chef, a cool guy, and an overall talented person.  As I mentioned, in my own spiel of credentials, Terra Mater Village (and the services we plan to offer) would never be possible, without his assistance and expertise.  I am thrilled to have Tyler as my [future] business partner and my [forever] life partner.