. . . Please lend a hand, if you can!!
It will take participants in our community, to help this business dream come to fruition… My family has only an average income, and creating a small business can be costly!  To begin this Retreat Center venue, for you all, my family aims to find a reasonably priced property (±20 acres in the beautiful PNW; Washington), and then we will build with inexpensive / reclaimed materials.   Our goal is to NOT accrue business debt, before having opened our doors for business.  We do not want to start in the negative!! …so we beg for your helping hands.
My family offers Donation Incentives, so make sure to check our website for details! Feel free to keep watch of our “Dollars-to-Date” count, as well… It would be a dream to have your support and encouragement, throughout this family business endeavor.
If you have read through the details of our website / Instagram (@Earthy_TMV), and wish to root for our success in creating these sacred grounds, then please follow our PayPal link below:
Thanks for your generosity and consideration, everybody!  I look forward to hosting you like-minded souls, at our future Terra Mater Village retreat center venue… And tell your friends!!

Published On: December 31st, 2021 / Categories: Blog Updates /