Dollars-to-Date — $2,829.92
More than three years ago (—around the time that our daughter Lita was born), I constructed a prototype for our first Price Tags… At that time, I had no prospects of beginning a Retreat Center venue with my family. Our “Earthy Aspirations” brand (—before becoming its “Hand and Earth-Made Products”) was labeled as “Merchant + Mind and Body Stretching” instead… I assumed that our dream would only grow to be as big as a hole-in-the-wall Yoga Shop and Studio! …My dream started small, with thoughts of selling Yoga Mats, contracting Yoga Teachers, and offering various Workshops at a Studio. It’s crazy to think that just over three years ago, our idea for “Terra Mater Village: An Earthy Retreat Center for Spiritual Wellness & Yoga” had not even crossed my mind…
To raise money for this business plan (of our weekend Retreat Center venue), we have created earthy and hand-crafted goods to sell for profit. Yes, we are PLUMPING our business bank account, with proceeds from those sales!! …“Little by little, one goes a long way.” …Up until now, while selling at Craft Fairs and Farmers Market events, I have just displayed picture-frames to represent our pricing (…not individual tags on each item). Marketing has not gone home with every purchasing person, either… Finally, now, we have a reason to label our products individually! And, after some painstakingly hand-cramping dedication, our final Price Tags are finished and ready for presentation!
…Beginning on Tuesday 01 February 2022, we will be selling our crafts and goodies INDOORS, at the Great Northwest Vendor Mall in Spokane Valley (WA-State) — @GNWVendorMall. We are Vendor # 159 (aka V#159), enlisted for a full six-month lease! …Get ready to shop [locally] our hand-crafted items, to support our cause at your very own leisure!! We will be selling various Antiques and Vintage Toys, as well. Come pay our [4’x6’] booth a visit, at the Great Northwest Vendor Mall on E. Trent Avenue! Our lease will run through 01 August 2022, so mark your calendars!! More to follow! Please, stand by…
Instagram — @Earthy_TMV
Facebook Business Page — “Earthy Aspirations – for our Terra Mater Village Retreat Center endeavor”

Published On: January 15th, 2022 / Categories: Blog Updates /