Well… $48 was a not a large profit (as compared to ~$800 in profit at the 2-day Fall Folk Festival event, last month)… BUT, in my mind, the Winter Outpost event was a great success!
We had 11 people sign up for our Quarterly Newsletter and a quad-dozen people who walked away with our Marketing Flyer / Business Card in hand (those which will lead them to our Social Media pages and Website). To boot, by participating in their Vendor event, we have helped a group of Girl Scout girlies (from Troops # 6032 and 6045) to earn money towards an upcoming trip to Disneyland! All in all, I would call this event a WIN for the books.  Plus, it was a grand opportunity to plant more seeds for manifestation… Who knows what could come to bloom?!
If you haven’t already heard, my Family-of-Five is fundraising for money, in order to create a Yoga Retreat Center VENUE, here in the Pacific Northwest / northeast corner of Washington State!! …We (or, at least, I) look forward to unfolding this Business Plan for you!  Our dream has been evolving since early 2017, to begin this Family Business endeavor… It continues to strengthen, each day that I put my mind to the task!  There is no doubt (of course) that it will be a costly endeavor, so we plan to conduct an amount of fundraising (to afford the project) and will, then, build with reclaimed materials (to keep our price tags at a minimum)… So far, we are on en route to becoming $10,000 strong!!  Please wish us good luck!
We accept Donations, as well, and we offer Donation Incentives in return!  Make sure to check out which gifts you could earn, by providing a Donation to us.  Our webpage has the details! www.TerraMaterVillage.com/View-Donation-Incentives.
Previous Dollars to Date — $9,124.29
Updated Dollars to Date — $9,172.29
View our Business dream:
· · @Earthy_TMV
Facebook Business Page:
· · “Earthy Aspirations – for our Terra Mater Village Retreat Center endeavor”
Selling Goodies for Profit:
(Vendor # 159 / in the Atrium)
· · The Great Northwest Vendor Mall
· · 6206 E. Trent Ave. (Suite B)
· · Spokane Valley, Wash 99212

Published On: December 5th, 2022 / Categories: Uncategorized /