Have you heard?!
My little Family-of-Five has been striving to raise money, in order to pursue a Family Business dream!!  All proceeds are deposited into a Business Checking Account, fully allotted towards the cost of creating this future Family Business, i.e. “Terra Mater Village: An Earthy Retreat Center for Spiritual Wellness & Yoga,” which is to become a Weekend Retreat venue, in the Pacific Northwest / NE corner of Washington State!  It is on a daily basis that I breathe this passion…
Dollars to Date — $9,523.54
…Please help us, to bring our dream into reality!  You can donate towards our project (and receive Donation Incentives, in return!), sign up for our Quarterly Newsletters, “Follow” our Social Media pages, or [simply] purchase our products!!   However you choose to support us, YOU are making a difference!  Thanks for your contribution.  Stay tuned, as we unravel this Creation Story… and thank you for having interest!!
Stephanie Himmelman, Founder
Earthy Aspirations / Terra Mater Village
(Spokane) PNW, Washington
View our Business dream:
· · @Earthy_TMV
Facebook Business Page:
· · “Earthy Aspirations – for our Terra Mater Village Retreat Center endeavor”
Sign up for our Quarterly Newsletter:
· · www.TerraMaterVillage.com/Sign-Up-for-our-Newsletter
Selling Goodies for Profit:
(Vendor # 159 / in the Atrium)
· · The Great Northwest Vendor Mall
· · 6206 E. Trent Ave. (Suite B)
· · Spokane Valley, Wash 99212

Published On: January 27th, 2023 / Categories: Blog Updates /