Dollars to Date — $9,041.30
Hello, again! Stephanie, here… I would like to share that our Fall Folk Festival 2022 weekend was a COMPLETE SUCCESS!
We are moving closer towards our goal, to bring this Family-Business dream into reality, all while gathering attention and gaining the interested on our Quarterly Newsletter list.  Seeds are coming to fruition! …I am thrilled to report, as well, that we have just broken the $9,000 mark!
If I could leave you with any mindset, after reading this update, then I’d wish it to be that you follow your heart and always do what you love… Participate in what brings you to passion and joy!!  And, NEVER doubt your abilities or let circumstance stand in your way.  You are capable, and you are worthy of bliss!  Make it happen.  Also, the Universe will provide miracles, along the path… So, make your impact!  Do what you love… and never stop believing in yourself…
View our Business dream:
· · @Earthy_TMV
Facebook Business Page:
· · “Earthy Aspirations – for our Terra Mater Village Retreat Center endeavor”
Selling Goodies for Profit:
(Vendor # 159 / in the Atrium)
· · The Great Northwest Vendor Mall
· · 6206 E. Trent Ave. (Suite B)
· · Spokane Valley, Wash 99212

Published On: November 15th, 2022 / Categories: Blog Updates /