Wahooo! …We’ve raised more than $15K, so far!!
In the future, my little Family-of-Five will construct a [weekend-oriented] Retreat Center VENUE, aimed towards Spiritual Wellness and Yoga!  We call it, “Terra Mater Village: An Earthy Retreat Center for Spiritual Wellness & Yoga” and currently (under our vendor name, “Earthy Aspirations: Hand & Earth-Made Products”), we have gathered more than $15,000 towards affording our slice of acreage! …Once in operation, our facilities will help to encourage any person to lead a 3-day Retreat event of their very own.
Our goal is to find a parcel of land (±20 acres), within the Northeast Region of Washington State, upon which we can build this Retreat Center.  And, we have a strong motivation to bring our dream into existence!  Under the Business Plan, we are due to construct multiple Bunkhouses, two Shower-Houses, a lush Garden area with scenic pathways and ponds, a Greenhouse (to provide homegrown produce), a private Commercial Kitchen, an Eatery section and Lodge, a fire-pit area with sloped seating, a General Store (—for provisions or Yoga and Spiritual Wellness supplies), an “Antiques and Oddities” shop (—for fun), AND a handful of spaces to host Workshops or hold sessions of Yoga… We plan to build this dream, literally, from the ground up!
…As many of you might conclude, however, funding the start-up of a small business can be quite costly.  Unfortunately, we cannot afford the project on our own.  My family has been saving what money we can, and we are continually requesting for Donations… Please, help us!  Keep the kindness coming!  The more help we can get, the better…
Below is our GoFundMe campaign!
Thanks for your ongoing support!!  We look forward to bringing this place into existence for you all… And remember to ALWAYS follow your dreams! (…no matter how unrealistic they may seem).
Dollars-to-Date — $15,151.18
Warm Regards,
Stephanie Himmelman, Founder
Earthy Aspirations / Terra Mater Village
(Spokane) Washington, PNW
View our Business Dream:
· · · www.TerraMaterVillage.com
View our Donation Incentives to Earn:
· · · www.TerraMaterVillage.com/View-Donation-Incentives
Facebook Business Page:
· · · “Earthy Aspirations – for our Terra Mater Village Retreat Center endeavor”
Instagram Page:
· · · @Earthy_TMV
Sellin’ Vintage Goodies for Profit:
(Vendor # 159, in the back Atrium!)
· · · The Great Northwest Vendor Mall
· · · 6206 E. Trent Ave. (Suite B)
· · · Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Sellin’ Upcycled Craft-Goodies for Profit:
(Corner Display, in the front / left Room!)
· · · The Healing Boutique – Shop
· · · 9803 E. Sprague Ave.
· · · Spokane Valley, WA 99206

Published On: August 8th, 2023 / Categories: Blog Updates /