Happy Winter Solstice 2023, everybody!
Stephanie Himmelman, here.  And… what?!  Has it been three months, already?  Time is flying! …I hope that you’ve all had a wonderful Autumn season, over these past few months.  I am excited to update you, on our unique Family Business plan and the strides we have made! …So, thanks for taking interest!!
Attached is our Quarterly Newsletter, as expected.
PLEASE NOTE — Many people receive this Newsletter in a PDF document (via Email), on the quarterly-appointed Solstices and Equinoxes.  If you are viewing the PDF version of this document (through, either, your Email Inbox or at our Website), then please notice that Hyperlinks are embedded for your browsing convenience!  Click on any section, that you find intriguing, to learn more details.
Our little Family-of-Five has been continuing to fundraise for money, in order to build and begin a Retreat Center venue, geared towards Spiritual Wellness and Yogic practices.  And, we are on our way to great success!! …In comparison to our 2022 Winter Solstice Dollars-to-Date figure, it seems that we have nearly doubled our funding amount, gathering a whoppin’ total of $8,540.14 during our 2023 year alone!
Dollars-to-Date $17,895.92
…We understand that it is not a traditional approach, to fundraise for money and begin a Business.  The traditional Business Loans, however, can seem overly-daunting!  Plus, we would like to avoid beginning our Business “in the hole” of a debt… In the Grand Scheme of things, I know that anything is possible.
So far, we have gathered funding from everything that we can sell or make. We also accept Donations (please visit our Website for details), and we have an active GoFundMe campaign (…which could really use some love and attention).  JUST IMAGINE! …If every person in Spokane (and the surrounding Metropolitan areas) donated only $1 towards our Family Business cause, then we would have nearly $600,000 to begin it!!  We are on a life-mission to gather you like-minded people (who wish to see this World become a better place), in order to help fuel our funding.  We look forward to creating this Utopia!
Find our Donation link and GoFundMe campaign, below.
(Debit Cards, Credit Cards, and PayPal methods accepted)
· · · www.PayPal.com/Donate/?hosted_button_id=D9ZKBMG9LPWPQ
· · · www.GoFundMe.com/Help-a-Family-of-Five-to-Afford-a-Business-Dream
I have a message for you, in regard to this evolving World… Follow your heart!!  Be in your authentic expression.  Take the steps forward, one shuffle at a time, to follow your truth.  YOU are here for a reason!  Doors will open, and you can make an impact… Simply activate your passion!!  Your passions were placed inside you for a purpose.  It is YOUR purpose!  And it is time for you to bless the World.
I wish you all the best, in this upcoming 2024 year!!
(“The light within me recognizes the light within you”)
Stephanie Himmelman,  Founder
Earthy Aspirations / Terra Mater Village
(Spokane) Washington, PNW
View our Business Dream:
· · · www.TerraMaterVillage.com
Meet the Founding Family:
· · · www.TerraMaterVillage.com/Meet-the-Founding-Family
View Donation Incentives to Earn:
· · · www.TerraMaterVillage.com/View-Donation-Incentives
Sign up for our Quarterly Newsletter:
· · · www.TerraMaterVillage.com/Sign-Up-for-our-Newsletter
Our Etsy Shop:
· · · www.EarthyAspirations.Etsy.com
Facebook Business Page:
· · · “Earthy Aspirations – for our Terra Mater Village Retreat Center endeavor
Instagram Page:
· · · @Earthy_TMV
Sellin’ Vintage Goodies for Profit:
(Vendor # 159, in the back Atrium!)
· · · The Great Northwest Vendor Mall
· · · 6206 E. Trent Ave. (Suite B)
· · · Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Sellin’ Upcycled Craft-Goodies for Profit:
(Corner Display, in the front / left Room!)
· · · The Healing Boutique – Shop
· · · 9803 E. Sprague Ave.
· · · Spokane Valley, WA 99206

Published On: December 21st, 2023 / Categories: Blog Updates /