Biographies were composed in 2021
NOTE: Verbiage may now be outdated
the Founders / Dreamers!
Steph and Tyler

(Right) — Meet Stephanie…
That’s me! I am a co-founder, of this business, and spearhead of the operation. (…) I have an insatiable drive. I have a willingness to succeed (…) and I believe that dreams are possible to achieve! (…) With my direction and leadership skills, and genuine love for humankind, I feel that Terra Mater Village (“An Earthy Retreat Center for Spiritual Wellness and Yoga”) is a unique way to implement my strong suits in life… I look forward to this challenge, and I am very grateful to have the opportunity!
(Left) — And, meet Chef Tyler…
In addition to joining as my co-founder, Tyler will be our Chef at Terra Mater Village! (…) Tyler has trained in many techniques and styles, to become the culinary mastermind that he is today. (…) Tyler will amplify the grounds and garden spaces, of our Terra Mater Village, [as well,] which he looks forward to doing (…) [and he] will manage a separate portion of our gift shop and general store: the Antiques and Oddities area! (…) With his cooking skills perfected, plus a fondness for treasure-hunting and a knack for landscaping, (…) Tyler is a unique addition to this business plan!
our Future Employees:
Izzy, Lita, and Tyler Jr.
(Middle) — That is Izzy.
She has an animated and energetic spirit, with a huge and loving heart! …and, though Izzy has not shown interest in regularly teaching yoga, as she had first intended, she has mentioned that it would be fun to teach yoga to the children who visit our Retreat Center (when and if any). Izzy is anxious to create jewelry, homemade soaps and special pieces of art, for you all. She appears to be developing the mindset of an entrepreneur! Adding to this, Izzy is interested in fashion and the designing of clothes. In addition to selling her own handmade goods, at Terra Mater Village, she will work in our gift shops, prepare your drinks and smoothies (plus, any coffee-related menu items), and assist me with the needed housework (usual upkeep) of the bathrooms and the bunkhouses. Izzy looks forward to earning a paycheck, and we look forward to teaching her the value of work! Currently, Izzy assists with our Farmers Markets and Events (under vendor name “Earthy Aspirations”). Proceeds of her hand-made crafts go straight into her own pocket! She is growing into a very bright young person, who has a lot of character and imagination behind her choices. We are excited to see the role that Izzy will play, in our upcoming Retreat Center endeavor, and she is excited for the adventure of it!
(Right) — Next, we introduce Lita.
Lita is our vivacious and tenacious toddler! …who is already busy practicing yoga: the mastery of [assisted] headstands and handstands, along with the Downward Doghouse, the Happy Baby movement, and [her squirming variations of] the Corpse Pose. Based on her yogic behaviors, I feel that Lita could grow to become a mentor of yoga! After all, it was during my Yoga Teacher Training program that I got pregnant with our sweet Lita… She may have the spirit of a yogi, built straight into her genes! …As little Lita grew within my belly (during yoga school), my classmates would joke that, technically, she was an added member of our training group. Her subconscious was present and, so it seems, even partially influenced… Now, after a grand entrance into the world, Lita seems more determined as ever! Diligent about her practices and natural to provide her care, Lita seems intended for this lifestyle. Already, to boot, she has shown characteristics of a well-organized individual. Lita is accomplished at properly handling a broom and long-handled dustpan (—for her own amusement), and she has the skillful ability to identify garbage and messes to clear away. She is an intelligent little person, both sharp-witted and strong-minded… It appears that Lita will make for a hard-working, and well-rounded, employee in our future at Terra Mater Village, and we hope that she will enjoy the life!
(Left) — Now, meet T.J.!
He is also known as Tyler Jr. or Lil’ T. As you might notice, T.J. is the newest addition to our family… and we adore him! Without question, he is a very sweet and handsome young baby. Named after his father (of course), Lil’ T already seems to have a strong and independent personality. Not yet one year old, his little brain appears quite focused to figure things out. I sense great might, in his future! Really, though (at this point in time), there is not much to say about T.J.’s character… Just born in 2021, we can know that greater personality traits are yet to be unveiled. He is pre-destined to be a hand in our Terra Mater Village endeavor, no matter it all. ‘Call it a “Family Business,” since it will be! With Lil’ T by our side, our family unit is now complete. Watch, as we blossom from here!
Final Note
To Conclude…
With my drive and motivation (in regard to arranging a business), plus Tyler having expertise in the preparation of meals and creating beautiful landscapes, I think that Terra Mater Village can become a fully successful operation! Into the bargain, as well, we have three little darlings who will be exposed to the undertaking of a small business endeavor. We have faith that they will develop skills that are necessary to manage [and take control of] their own lives, come their times. It is true that, when starting from the bottom, one must work—both fearlessly and persistently—in order to reap the benefits of a job well-done. Welcome to our dream of Terra Mater Village! Please feel free to join our movement.